Jeffrey Alan Hall
is an author, speaker and
teacher of the Heart.
Educated in psychology at the University of Michigan, Jeffrey is a teacher of A Course In Miracles. He is the author of An Awakening Within, a collection of short stories and reflections that form the foundation of his work. Jeffrey brings a warm, intimate and humorous approach to the path of spiritual growth. For nearly 20 years, his teachings on forgiveness, love and relationships have transformed and improved the lives of thousands throughout the world.
Jeffrey resides near Sedona, Arizona.
Who I Am
“Like a lot of baby boomers I arrived at a place where I knew in my heart that I was not leading an authentic life. As a successful businessman I had accomplished a good deal; made a lot of money, acquired a bunch of possessions. But deep in my soul I felt distant from God, unhappy and completely out of balance. I had searched for the missing pieces everywhere but within myself. That was twenty years ago…
It was then that I literally ran into Dr. Wayne Dyer on a beach in Maui. It’s a long story (and a GREAT one!) but suffice to say, our meeting was meant to be. Wayne suggested I take a long hard look within myself. His theory of “change the way you see things and the things you see will change,” really resonated with me. And so I began a spiritual journey without distance; looking closely at the CHOICES I had made in my life and how those choices had led me to where I was.
At about the same time, someone suggested I read A Course in Miracles. I did and honestly, it was like a two hundred-pound weight had been lifted from my chest! Suddenly, I realized I was the CO-CREATOR of my life; that I could CHOOSE my own happiness regardless of what was happening around me. I came to know Spirit as the infinite power living within us and that we’re not separate from it at all; we just think we are. This perceived separation from God is what causes most of life’s problems including guilt, worry and the inability to love ourselves and others.
I began to see that our current life situations are the direct result of our past CHOICES and that by working with this infinite power instead of against it, we can co-create and (most importantly) RECREATE with God, the life we desire. We really can change our choices and change our life—we get a DO OVER! I came to know this divine power – a power we all share – is based on love not fear. Through this power of love and true forgiveness, we are able to transcend our self-created pain and arrive at an amazing realization: Inner peace is our birthright. It’s not just for some, it’s for ALL.
Before I knew it, Dr. Dyer generously offered to speak with me in Denver as a way to promote my book An Awakening Within and jump-start my new career. Love, forgiveness and relationships would form the foundation of my work. The universe had opened. The teacher had been born. My life changed forever!